Feb 21, 2018 - Nixie MultiMeter, Part 11
Livestream 3: Doin’ the Librarian Thing
Since the last blog post, I did another livestream. This time it’s mostly creating footprints for new components that I’ve picked out.
I’ve also finished up the remainder of the current input schematic, as designed in previous posts, and upgraded all of the relays to 12V coils.
160V Power Supply
I’ve also recreated Mark Smith’s Optimized 5V to 170V Nixie Tube Power Supply that I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts. I’ve drawn up symbols and footprints for all of the components, and redrawn the schematic. I did a slightly different variation on the schematic layout in an attempt to make it less cluttered.
Other Components
I’ve also drawn up the symbol and footprint for the MSP430 that I’ll be using (not shown here), and the IN-17 nixie tube: